The short answer is that it contains nutrients that your body feels very good about and if we drink a cup daily, we add these in a natural way that the body can easily take care of.
Bone broth is incredibly nutritious and contains natural collagen in a combination of other amino acids and minerals that contribute to collagen's overall effect in the body.
This product is in a natural and pure form, which means that it is very bioavailable, in other words, it is easy for the body to absorb the nutrients.
If you are curious and want to know more about bone broth, you can, for example, search online to see what others say. Search for example for bone broth health benefits or benbuljong hälsofördelar
There are also some interesting videos such as these:
Yes absolutely. Most products on the market today are called broth because of taste and not for their nutritional content. These have nothing to do with our nutritious bone broth. The basis of our products are bones from free-ranging and grass-eating animals from Swedish KRAV-certified organic farms. We cook the bones for so long that nutrients have time to be released into the broth, which can take up to 24-48 hours depending on different bone types. We use no additives and take no shortcuts. Boiling bone broth is a process that must be allowed to take its time.
In the past, all parts of an animal were eaten and it is often the worse parts that are the most healthy. Today we often eat the finest muscles and then our need to supplement the diet increases.
Bone broth contains collagen, protein and other nutrients that our bodies feel very good about. If we drink a cup of bone broth daily, we add these in a natural way that the body can easily absorb.
The body produces collagen itself, but with age, the breakdown becomes greater than the new formation, which causes us to age. The breakdown process starts already at the age around 25 and the amount of collagen in the body decreases thereafter by approx. 1-2% each year.
Collagen is the most common protein in our bodies, it accounts for about 30% of all our proteins. Collagen is the body's most abundant structural protein and is a primary building block for connective tissue, bone, cartilage, ligaments, tendons and skin. There is also abundant collagen in muscles, blood vessels, the cornea and teeth.
The word collagen comes from the Greek "kólla", which means glue. Collagen acts as both a glue and a structural scaffold that holds our cells, tissues and organs together.
Det varierar självklart lite från person till person men man kan börja med att fylla på näringsdepåerna med en 10 dagars boost eller drick dagligen 1-2 påsar under 1-3 månader. Därefter kan man regelbundet underhålla kroppen med 1 påse var eller varannan dag.
Eftersom benbuljongen är fullproppad med näring kan man i början sätta igång magen och tarmsystemet rejält. Man kan starta lite varsamt med 0,5 påse under de första dagarna innan systemet har vant sig 🙂
Keep in mind that:
Bone broth does not replace a varied diet.
Wholly Broth bone broth is not an industrially produced product but is a traditional craft where each cooked pot is slightly different from the other. Each ingredient is unique and therefore taste and color may vary slightly from one batch to another.
Sometimes the contents can turn into a gel when you keep it cold, this is completely normal, it is collagen that turns into gelatin. When heated or at room temperature, the broth becomes liquid again.
There may also be small collections of fat but this is completely normal, it is as healthy as the rest of the bone broth.
Fett från vår KRAV-ekologiska kyckling- och nötben finns även att handla lokalt (kylvara) för de som vill tillsätta lite i buljongen eller använda till stekning eller annan matlagning.
If you are curious and want to know more about bone broth, you can, for example, search online to see what others say. Search for example for bone broth health benefits
Here are a few articles but there are tons of them:
10 skäl att koka benmärgsbuljong för bättre hälsa
Bone Broth Benefits for Joints, Skin and Gut Health
Vi tillreder vår buljong här i Sverige och använder oss uteslutet av ben från svenska KRAV-certifierade gårdar. Vi skär våra färska ekologiska grönsaker för hand och kokar sedan fram denna ljuvliga buljong. Det är massa kärlek, glädje och passion som kommer samlat i påse näringsrik benbuljong.
Old traditions revived!
Bones + Water + a kettle over Fire + lots of Time = ancient Magic
Simple is not the same as easy!
Cooking broth the good old way may sound simple and it is, although it's not.
Hela processen att hitta rätt ben och grönsaker, förbereda och preppa, och sedan låta allt sjuda i 1-2 dygn medans man skummar och ser till att smaka av med kryddor, örter och salt, tar tid och tålamod och kostar lite extra, men i slutänden är det värt det.
We insist on sticking to this process because we know it is the best way to get a really good result.
I årtusenden har kulturer runt om i världen kokat buljong på ben.
Industrialization in the 19th century made it easier and cheaper to produce broth, but at the same time removed all nutrition and authenticity.
Wholly Broth makes bone broth the traditional way, with real bones from real animals raised on certified KRAV organic farms.
Well-prepared bone broth, cooked in the traditional way for a long time, provides real and pure nutrition in its most natural form. No shortcuts. No bullshit.
Drink Wholly & Stay Healthy!
In order to reduce our shipping costs and not send a lot of water around, we boil the broth down to a concentrate. It is flavored and salted to be mixed 1:1 with water if you want to drink it.
1 dl of concentrate therefore gives 2 dl of ready-to-drink broth.
Preference and taste can decide. In principle, we recommend enjoying it warm as the flavors are released better, but many also like to drink it chilled.
A sprig of fresh parsley or other spice/herb can raise the taste to new dimensions.
Perfect to take with you to the gym and stock up on building blocks during training or as recovery afterwards.
It is best to pour the broth concentrate into a saucepan on the stove and then pour in an equal amount of water. When it is sufficiently warm, it is enjoyed out of a cup or glass.
The broth is heat-treated and has already boiled for 24-48 hours, so if you reheat it, it will not be affected.
Either you drink it as a cup of coffee or tea.
Or you can have it in cooking or to add to a shake or smoothie.
In principle, you can replace most liquids in cooking with broth, for example when cooking rice and noodles, or perhaps in the meat sauce. Soups are an easy way to get a lot of bone broth in, just replace some of the water.
You can also replace breakfast or lunch with a cup of bone broth. Or why not go on a fast for a few days to cleanse and replenish with new nutrition.
Orders are handled in the order they are received. There is not always ready-made broth in stock, so it may take a few extra days before the order can be shipped.
Vid beställning av Månadspaket 15+ och 10 Dagars Boost paket väljer man själv om man önskar Beef, Kyckling, eller en valfri mix. I 365 paketet skriver man i anteckningar vilken buljong man öskar varje månad, detta går givetvis att ändra allteftersom.
Att prenumerera är ett smidigt sätt att varje månad få ett paket med benbuljong hemskickat. Man väljer själv hur många (minst 15 påsar) och vilken sort man vill ha. Man kan inför varje månad ändra antal och smak. Vill man inte längre prenumerera kan man närsomhelst avsluta.
Vi skickar normalt med DHL
Aktuell frakt beräknas i kassan.
You can also pick up locally in Kullavik just south of Gothenburg. SMA'a on 0708-137070 and we will find a time for collection.
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